Case One

Having a child with behavioral health issues can be stressful and trigger anxiety for the parent. A mom who’s child was placed at a wilderness program due to severe behavioral issues, drug use, and self-harm, was referred to therapy to assist in repairing the broken parent child relationship. There were many things going on at the time, including a divorce, and custody litigation. Mom wanted a more positive relationship with her child and to mend hurt areas within the relationship. Mom expressed feeling rejected by child, as well as concern that drug use would continue into child’s adulthood.

In this scenario, I utilized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT. This therapy has been beneficial to help develop alternative thoughts to once negative thoughts that lived in Mom’s mind. By shifting thoughts, space was created to evoke positive feelings and actions towards child. I also offered family sessions to provide education on listening skills, healthy communication, and positive behavioral activation between mom and the child. 

The result, a stronger parent child relationship. Both Mom and child have increased positive communications. Both parties have been able to effectively communicate their emotions without fear. Mom was able to receive the answers to deep questions around child’s behavior concerning their relationship.


Case Two